Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Some of our 'Sea Poems'

The Beach
The sad sea slowly pulls back and forth, the sea foaming at the edges.
The lovely sea air mixed with foul putrid land air.
The slimy seaweed stuck me with force.
I watch five fast fish frolic, while I sit on the baked sand. 
By Ben

Deep Sea Diving
I look around
there's not a sound
when I'm deep sea diving.
I go down, down, down,
and touch the ground
when I'm deep sea diving.
I'm bound to see a plastic bag floating all around
when I'm deep sea diving.
by  Erika Fairweather

Under The Sea
Under the sea I find all sorts of  stuff like jiggling jellyfish and electric eels.
I see some hungry sharks seizing eels and fish, and that's what I see down under the sea.
by Ed Caird

The Sea Can...
The sea can be blue and dark black.
The sea can smell good or really really bad.
The sea can make you happy and sad and sometimes really, really mad.
The sea is salty and tastes really bad, and it can wash you up safe on the sandy sand.
By Liam Byers.

1 comment:

  1. Perfect prose poems. Liam was really proud of all these poems being posted on the blog. He took great delight in asking me to have a look at it. Well done to all the published poets. From the Byers Family
