Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Aquarium Visit

On Friday the 15th of March we went to the Portobello Aquarium. When we got there we had a chat about the metre squared project and about some of the wildlife we will see while we were there.
We split into two groups and then half went to the beach and half stayed and had a look at the touch tanks.

At the beach we counted all the live wildlife in the quadrant and recorded it. Here are some of the groups counting the limpets and crabs. It was hard counting the crabs as they ran for cover and there were heaps of tube worms!

While the other group was at the beach we got to have a good look at the touch tanks..... this was FUN!!!
We got to touch starfish, sea slugs, sea enemies, crabs, kina and seaweed.

Here are some more pictures

1 comment:

  1. The trip to the Aquarium was great. It was very interesting seeing the things on the beach and using the quadrants in the metre square to help plot where different things were found. I took lots of pictures of you guys at work but haven't managed to get them to Mr Mitchell yet - sorry guys!
